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Life and AD&D Insurance

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MetLife provides life insurance to provide security for your family.

Basic Life Insurance

Citi provides Basic Life insurance through MetLife at no cost to you if your benefits eligible pay is less than $200,000. Note: If your annual benefits eligible pay is equal to or above $200,000, you are not eligible for company-paid Basic Life insurance.

  • The benefit is equal to your benefits eligible pay, rounded up to the nearest $1,000, to a maximum of $200,000.
  • Once your benefits eligible pay is equal to or exceeds $200,000, you are no longer eligible for Basic Life and Basic Accidental Death and Dismemberment (AD&D).

Since Citi pays the full cost of Basic Life Insurance, you must pay taxes on the value of coverage above $50,000 as required by the IRS. Any amount that exceeds $50,000 is called imputed income and is reflected on your pay statement and annual W-2.

Designate Your Beneficiaries

It's important to designate a beneficiary to receive the benefit paid by a life insurance policy. You can designate a beneficiary by visiting Your Benefits Resources™ through My Total Compensation and Benefits.

Basic Accidental Death & Dismemberment (AD&D)

Citi provides Basic AD&D insurance if you are dismembered or die as a result of an accidental injury. Basic AD&D is provided through MetLife at no cost to you if your benefits eligible pay is less than $200,000. Note: If your annual benefits eligible pay is equal to or above $200,000, you are not eligible for company-paid Basic AD&D insurance.

The benefit is equal to your benefits eligible pay, rounded up to the nearest $1,000, to a maximum of $200,000.

Designate Your Beneficiaries

You can designate a beneficiary by visiting the MetLife MyBenefits website through My Total Compensation and Benefits. Find more information about naming a beneficiary.

Group Universal Life

You can enroll in Group Universal Life (GUL) insurance, provided by MetLife, from one to 10 times your benefits eligible pay, not to exceed $500,000, up to a maximum of $5 million.

Note: If you are enrolling in GUL insurance outside your initial eligibility period (31 days from your date of hire/date you are eligible to enroll in Citi benefits), outside of a qualified change in status or for an amount greater than three times your benefits eligible pay (capped at $500,000) or $1.5 million, you must provide evidence of insurability and be actively at work before coverage will be effective.

For purposes of GUL coverage, a qualified change in status includes when an employee loses eligibility for employer paid Basic Life Insurance because his or her benefits eligible pay equals or exceeds $200,000 in connection with annual enrollment in the next plan year. Such an employee is eligible to elect GUL coverage of one time his or her benefits eligible pay, not to exceed $500,000 without providing evidence of insurability if the employee did not previously elect the maximum GUL benefit.

Your cost of coverage is based on the amount of coverage you elect, your age and whether you have used tobacco products in the past 12 months. Note: If your benefits eligible pay is not an even multiple of $1,000, then your GUL coverage will be rounded up to the next $1,000.

Enroll in Coverage

To enroll, call MetLife at 1 (888) 830-7380 or visit the MetLife MyBenefits website through My Total Compensation and Benefits.

Designate Your Beneficiaries

You can designate a beneficiary by visiting the MetLife MyBenefits website through My Total Compensation and Benefits. Find more information about naming a beneficiary.

Cash Accumulation Fund

When you enroll in Group Universal Life (GUL) coverage, you can participate in the Cash Accumulation Fund (CAF). The CAF allows you to save money that earns an interest rate at a guaranteed minimum of 4% on a tax-deferred basis.

  • Contributions are deducted from your pay each pay period. You can change the amount of your CAF contribution at any time. Note: A decrease in your GUL coverage could affect the amount you can contribute to your CAF.
  • The Internal Revenue Code determines the annual maximum you can contribute to the CAF based on your GUL coverage amount, your age and other factors.
  • If your contributions for GUL, including the CAF, exceed the actual limits of the coverage for which you are enrolled, MetLife will notify you about a refund. For the actual amount that applies to you under the applicable tax laws, call MetLife at 1 (888) 830-7380.
  • You will not pay taxes on the interest while it remains in your CAF. The interest is taxable only when you withdraw more than the total you have paid up to that point for GUL coverage (your premiums) plus your CAF contributions.

For more information about the CAF, call MetLife at 1 (888) 830-7380.

Dependent Life

You may also purchase life insurance for your spouse/partner and eligible children.

Spouse/Partner Life Insurance

You can enroll in GUL insurance, provided by MetLife, for your spouse/partner in increments of $10,000 to a maximum of $100,000. Note:

  • You do not need to buy GUL insurance for yourself to elect coverage for your spouse/partner. Within 31 days of your initial eligibility, you can enroll for up to $30,000 of spouse/partner GUL coverage without him or her providing evidence of insurability.
  • If you enroll in GUL coverage at any other time, your spouse/partner must provide evidence of insurability for any amount of spouse/partner coverage.
  • The cost is based on the amount of your spouse's/partner's coverage, his or her age and whether he or she has used tobacco products in the past 12 months.

Child Life Insurance

If you have enrolled in GUL insurance coverage for you or your spouse/partner, you can enroll for life insurance from $5,000 to $20,000, in $5,000 increments, for your eligible dependent children.

When you enroll in child life coverage, all your eligible children are covered. You may enroll your eligible children at any time without evidence of insurability. Coverage for a child generally ends on the day the child reaches age 26, or earlier if you lose eligibility for coverage.

Enroll in Coverage

To enroll in dependent life insurance for your spouse/partner and eligible children, call MetLife at 1 (888) 830-7380 or visit the MetLife MyBenefits website through My Total Compensation and Benefits.

Supplemental AD&D

In addition to the Basic AD&D benefit, you have the option to purchase Supplemental AD&D insurance for yourself, as well as coverage for your spouse/partner and eligible children.

  • You may choose from one to 10 times your benefits eligible pay (capped at $500,000) up to a maximum coverage amount of $5 million.
  • If your benefits eligible pay is not an even multiple of $1,000, then your Supplemental AD&D benefit will be rounded up to the next $1,000. Your cost is based on the coverage you elect.

You may enroll in Supplemental AD&D coverage through MetLife at any time without providing evidence of insurability. Visit the MetLife MyBenefits site through My Total Compensation and Benefits or submit an enrollment form, which you can obtain by calling MetLife at 1 (888) 830-7380.

Spouse/Partner AD&D

You can enroll in Supplemental AD&D insurance coverage, provided by MetLife, for your spouse/partner in increments of $10,000 to a maximum of $100,000 at any time without providing evidence of insurability.

You do not need to buy Supplemental AD&D insurance for yourself to elect coverage for your spouse/partner. You may enroll your spouse/partner for Supplemental AD&D coverage at any time without providing evidence of insurability.

Child AD&D

Once you or your spouse/partner have enrolled, your eligible children may be enrolled in Supplemental AD&D coverage in increments of $5,000, to a maximum of $20,000, at any time without evidence of insurability.

Coverage for a child generally ends on the day the child reaches age 26, or earlier if you lose eligibility for coverage.

Business Travel Accident/Medical

Business Travel Accident/Medical (BTA/M) pays benefits for bodily injury and/or death when a covered accident is incurred while traveling on company business. In addition to BTA, the BTM program provides non-routine and emergency medical coverage while traveling on business for Citi:

  • If you are a regular full-time or part-time employee, you have BTA coverage equal to five times your benefits eligible pay to a maximum benefit of $2 million.
  • Your spouse/partner and/or dependent children are considered covered persons and have BTA coverage while accompanying you on a business or relocation trip. An eligible spouse/partner has a coverage amount of $150,000, and each eligible dependent child (up to age 26) has a coverage amount of $25,000.

Designate Your Beneficiaries

Your BTA beneficiary — the person or persons designated to receive any benefit payable at your death — is the same beneficiary designated for your Basic Life insurance. If you do not have Basic Life insurance, you can designate a beneficiary by visiting Your Benefit Resources™ on My Total Compensation and Benefits.

Questions on Coverage While Traveling?

Visit our Global Business Travel Health page on Citi For You (Intranet only).